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Bei Akito Scissors ist es uns ein großes Anliegen, die Friseur- und Friseurbranche mit einem Geschäftsmodell zu revolutionieren, bei dem Nachhaltigkeit und Transparenz im Vordergrund stehen.

Unser Ansatz konzentriert sich auf ein modernes, schlankes, kostenoptimiertes und umweltorientiertes Modell. Dies erreichen wir, indem wir alle zusätzlichen Schritte und Dritte, einschließlich Zwischenhändler, Händler, zusätzliche Lieferungen, zusätzliche Verpackung und Energieverbrauch, eliminieren. Diese Elemente kommen unseren Kunden nicht nur zu einem deutlich niedrigeren Preis als unsere Mitbewerber zugute, sondern tragen auch zu einer grüneren, umweltfreundlicheren Welt bei.

1. Reduced Carbon Footprint

Tens of thousands of road and air miles saved.

By cutting out the intermediaries in the supply chain, we reduce the need for additional transportation and logistics. This means fewer shipments and less fuel consumption, leading to a substancial decrease in the carbon footprint associated with our product distribution.

2. Less Packaging

Less Paper. Less Cardboard. Less Plastics.

Fewer intermediaries mean less need for packaging, and distribution resources, resulting in reduced waste generation and a more efficient use of materials. Our streamlined supply chain helps minimise plastic, paper and cardboard waste.

3. Products that last.

Our focus on quality ensures that our products have a far longer lifespan than other brands. This reduces the need for frequent replacements and the associated environmental impact of manufacturing new scissors.

4. Tailored production.

No mass manufacture.

With direct sales to customers, Akito Scissors can better match their production levels with actual demand. This reduces overproduction, which can lead to excess inventory and waste.

Committed to a green future

In conclusion, our business model at Akito Scissors not only provides cost savings to our customers but also aligns with our commitment to environmental sustainability.

Through reduced carbon emissions, efficient resource utilisation, lower energy consumption, decreased waste generation, and our influence on industry practices, we are actively contributing to a greener future.

Our dedication to eco-friendly practices reflects the global awareness of the importance of sustainability and environmental responsibility. Together, we can make a significant difference in building a more sustainable world.