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You save money with Akito

Tired of overpaying for poorly designed, underperforming and average scissors? You’re not alone, tens of thousands of hairdressers and barbers around the world feel the same as you.

At Akito, we've made it our mission to be different and to break the cycle of brands overcharging and underdelivering. To achieve our mission we have centred our business around being as efficient, streamlined and lean as possible. By focussing on a lean business model we eliminate all the costs that other scissors brands charge you in their prices and pass the savings directly to you.

By eliminating these costs and selling directly to our customers worldwide from one single location we are able to provide our customers with the highest quality scissors at the best possible price.

1. No Middlemen. No Distributors.

No Middlemen fees. No Distributor fees.

One of the primary reasons Akito Scissors can provide cost savings is eliminating middlemen from our supply chain. Other scissor brands rely on distributors and resellers to get their products to the end consumer. Each step in this distribution process adds a markup, and ultimately, you end up paying much more.

With Akito Scissors, there are no middlemen involved. We sell directly to you, cutting out the extra costs associated with intermediaries. This direct-to-customer approach ensures that you get the best possible price without any unnecessary added costs.

2. No Extra Transportation

No Extra Transportation Costs.

Many brands include multiple transportation costs in their product prices, covering the expenses of moving their products to their distribution centres, to their retailer partners, to their country distributors, to their regional distributors, to their sales people and so on. These costs quickly accumulate and lead to high costs, at Akito we have non of these costs and sell directly to you.

3. No Extra Import Charges

No Extra Import Charges.

With all the previously mentioned multiple cross country transportation, other brands incur multiple import charges for their products crossing borders. These charges can be very high especially when there are multiple added to the price you pay.

4. No Sales People

No Sales People Salaries or Commissions.

We take a unique approach by not employing sales representatives or agents for marketing and selling our products. Instead, we prioritise creating an intuitive and informative online shopping experience. This decision has significant cost-saving implications.

Sales representatives incur salaries, commissions, travel expenses, and other allowances that are ultimately passed on to customers in the form of higher product prices. By cutting out this overhead, we are able to offer our products at more competitive prices.

5. No Physical Marketing Expenses

No Outdated Marketing expenses.

We have shifted away from traditional physical marketing methods like leaflets and brochures, opting for a digital approach.

This change benefits our customers with instant access to information, real-time updates, cost savings, environmental responsibility, convenience, and an interactive experience.

Our digital strategy aligns with our commitment to innovation and offers customers both practical and eco-friendly advantages.

6. No multi-location warehousing.

All Akito Scissors are sent from a single location to our customers worldwide.

We efficiently serve our customers worldwide from a single location, saving costs associated with maintaining multiple warehouses. This approach streamlines operations, reduces expenses, and enhances customer satisfaction through faster shipping and consistent quality control. Akito's commitment to a customer-centric approach ensures that despite centralization, customers receive excellent service, making it a successful model in a globalized business landscape.

Best Quality, Best Price

When you choose Akito Scissors, you're not only getting premium-quality scissors but also a significant reduction in costs. By running our streamlined business model and eliminating all costs above Akito delivers you huge cost savings compared to other brands.

Our commitment to providing exceptional products directly to customers at fair prices sets us apart in the industry. So, if you're looking for the highest quality scissors at the best price without the unnecessary costs, Akito Scissors is the choice for you.